11D10N Silk Road- Xi’An/Lanzhou/Jiayuguan/Dunhuang/Turpan/Urumqi

RM10,888.00 per person

1  吉隆坡/广州/西安           CZ 366 (0855/1300) + CZ 3203 (1700/1940)
Day 1     Kuala Lumpur /Guangzhou / Xi’an  

Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for your flight to Xi’an  . Upon arrival, transfer to hotel.    
5星酒店:西安. 5* 瑞斯麗大酒店      同级
Local 5 star Hotel: Xi’an. Swisstouches Hotel       or Similar

2   西安                                                                             (早餐:酒店 / 午餐:秦宴 / 晚餐:長安风味)
Day 2    Xi’an                                                                           (Breakfast  /  Lunch: Qin Dynasty Cuisine /  Dinner : Chang An Cuisine)

西安秦始皇陵+兵馬俑 (含单程电瓶车)  
秦始皇39岁灭六国,统一中国建立大秦帝国,此后更动员了全国之人力物力大规模修建陵墓。于1974年发现秦始皇陵墓地下之兵马俑,剎时轰动全世界,成为游客必游之地。1987年被联合国教科文组织列入 “世界人类文化遗产”。

Terracotta Army (Include One Way Buggy ) + Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor
Hui min Street
Enjoy food including Halal food

Dynasty Night Square
5星酒店:西安. 5* 瑞斯麗大酒店      同级
Local 5 star Hotel: Xi’an. Swisstouches Hotel       or Similar

3  西安 ~ 古城墙 ~ 钟鼓楼广场 ~ 永兴坊 / 动车 兰州
Day 3     Xi’An ~ Old Ancient Wall ~ Bell Tower ~ Yong Xing Fang  / ( Speed Train ) Lanzhou


Old Ancient Wall

Bell Tower of Xi’an
永兴坊,原地为唐朝魏征府邸旧址,是西安市为了继续完善顺城巷历史风貌,充分彰显古城历史底蕴,扩大西安知名度和影响力在2007年在原址上建造的,为古城再添了一个“坊”式的精品项目。休闲绿化广场、内街、井房以及建筑物外墙仿古装饰等等,有民间传统的建筑群组合,形成古里坊式布局,展示古长安城的街坊和传统民俗生活空间。YongXingFang( Local Noodles)
Take High Speed Train to Lanzhou . Upon arrival, transfer to hotel.    
准5星酒店:兰州机场附近.    中川饭店     或 同级      Local 5 star Hotel: Lanzhou.        or Similar

4  兰州~(2.5hr) 黄河石林~(2.5hr)兰州                                                        (早餐/午餐 /晚餐-阿西娅民族餐风味)   
Day 4    Lanzhou(2.5hr) Yellow River Stone Forest (2.5hr)Lanzhou (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner - local Special Cuisine)

黄河石林 - 位于白银市景泰县东南部,与中泉乡龙湾村毗邻,规模宏大,占地约10平方公里的景区。群山环抱,环境幽静,空气清新,风景秀丽,以古石林群最富特色,景区内石林景观与黄河曲流山水相依,颇具天然大园林神韵。

Yellow River Stone Forest  -  Yellow River Stone Forest has a large scale that covers an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers. The environment is quiet with fresh air, beautiful scenery and surrounded by mountains. The ancient “stone forest area” is the most characteristic. 

老龙湾景区(含电瓶车 & 黄河羊皮伐子-可乘坐4)
Laolongwan scenic area(Included buggy & Yangpifazi Boat Ride -4 paxs in 1 boat)
Panlong Cave It is a karst lava, which has gradually formed over a long period of billions of years. The cave runs 528 meters and is divided into three layers.
饮马大峡谷景区 (包含 毛驴车 & 22道湾观光大巴车)-坐驴的游览饮马大峡谷,谷内石林由桔黄色砂砾岩构成,高度 80-100 米,最高处达 200 余米。

Yinma Grand Crayon Scenic Area(Included donkey cart and shuttle bus to cross 22curvy mountain road)
Enjoy Donkey Cart across the Beauty Yinma Grand Canyon.

5酒店:  兰州市區.      蓝莓颐华酒   同级        Local 5 star Hotel:   Lanzhou.        or Similar    or Similar


5    兰州 ~ 动车~ 张掖 ~ 丹霞公园 彩虹山~(1hr) 临泽                                                (早餐/午餐 /晚餐)
Day 5 Lanzhou ~ Speed train ~ Zhangye ~ Danxia Rainbow Mountain ~(1hr) Linche              (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

兰州 ~ 动车~ 张掖  [  乘动车  2等座 ]      Lanzhou ~ Speed Train ~ Zhangye [by Speed Train ,  2nd  class  Seat]
张掖丹霞公园 彩虹山 (含电瓶车)
丹霞地貌即以陆相为主的红层,发育的具有陡崖坡的地貌,目前被誉为“中国 彩虹山”。在丹霞地貌,游客们会被安排乘坐区间车进入不同地区的“彩虹山”。
Zhangye Danxia Rainbow Mountain (Included Buggy Car)
The Danxia landform is known for its colorful rocks, which are smooth, sharp, and with cliffs. They are the result of deposits of sandstone and other minerals that occurred over 24 million years. It is currently known as the “China Rainbow Mountain”. Visitors will be arranged to take the shuttle bus to visit different areas of “Rainbow Mountain”.
5酒店:临泽 公航旅丹霞明珠酒店     或同级        Local 5 star Hotel: Linche    or Similar

6  临泽~(2.5hr) 嘉峪关                                                              (早餐/午餐 /晚餐-汽锅鸡风味)
Day 6     Linche ~(2.5hr) Jiayuguan                                              (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner-Steamed chicken flavor)

嘉峪关城楼(含电瓶车)经历了168年(1372-1539年)筑成一座完整的关隘,,是明代万里长城最雄险的一座,至今保存完好. 嘉峪关关城位于嘉峪关最狭窄的山谷中部,地势最高的嘉峪山上,城关两翼的城墙横穿沙漠戈壁,是明代万里长城西端主宰。

Jiayuguan Guancheng  Great Wall (Included Buggy Car)  -  spended 168 years(1372-1539)to build a complete Great Wall. Located in the middle of Jiayuguan's narrowest valley & it is also the highest elevation of Jiayu Mountain, The walls form as the two wings of Chengguan cross the desert Gobi, which is the western end of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty.

5酒店:嘉峪关.   諾金國際酒店  或同级         Local 5 star Hotel: Jiayuguan.        or Similar

7  嘉峪关~(4hr30min) 敦煌鸣沙山风景区                                                                                           (早餐/午餐 /晚餐)
Day 7     Jiayuguan~(4hr30min) Dunhuang Mingsha Mountain Scenic Area                     (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner)

鸣沙山月牙泉 (含电瓶车+骑骆驼)
位于敦煌市城南杨家桥乡,距记载在两千多年前的汉朝,是当地老百姓每年五月端午必去的求神求福的道教胜地。鸣沙山:故名思议是发出声音的沙山。可骑上当地特色的交通工具骆驼,游览美丽的鸣沙山。Mingsha Mountain Scenic Area (Including buggy&Camel Ride) -located in the south of Dunhuang City, recorded Han Dynasty History since 2000 years ago. Visit the beautiful Mingsha on a camel ride.
沙洲夜市 主要以丰富多彩的名优小吃广场,音乐茶座、文化娱乐、书画工艺为主体的夜市服务区。
Shazhou night market Famous for shopping, local snacks, music cafes, cultural performances & entertainment, painting and calligraphy, etc in the evening.
《敦煌盛典》(A区座位) -以一段传奇的爱情故事为主线,通过藉助鸣沙山•月牙泉的大漠黄沙及敦煌山庄辉煌汉唐建筑群等实景。再造包裹式洞窟、月牙泉等舞美场景。独创360度旋转可前后移动观众席,全新运用墙体秀、裸眼3D、全息影像等现代舞美前沿科技。再现古丝绸之路重镇敦煌历史文化与人文风貌,让观众穿越时空隧道,领略两千多年前敦煌的文化气息。整场演出气势恢宏磅礴、场面奇幻绚丽,情节扣人心弦,视觉美仑美奂。

Silk Road  Grand Show

5酒店: 敦煌.   華夏國際酒店   同级 Local 5 star Hotel:  DunHuang.   or similar


8  敦煌 ~(30min) 莫高窟 ~(2.5hr) 柳园 –(乘动车) - 吐鲁番                            (早餐 / 午餐 /晚餐 - 烤全羊风味)    
Day 8     Dunhuang~(30min)Mogao Grottoes~(2.5hr) Liuyuan-(Speed Train) - Turpan  (B’fast/Lunch/Dinner - whole  Roast Lamb)

莫高窟 (含区间车) +欣赏影片【千年敦煌】+ 球幕电影【梦幻佛宫】- 俗称千佛洞,始建于前秦建元二年(即公元366年),距今已有1600多年的历史。共有洞窟492个, 壁画总数达4500平方米, 塑像2400余尊, 是目前世界上规模最大, 保存最为完整内容最丰富的佛教意识宝库。

Mogao Grottoes (Included shuttle bus) + Video :Millennium Mogao+ Dream Buddha Palace -Commonly known as Thousand Buddha Caves, was built in The Qin Dynasty, with more than 1600 years of history.  It is currently the largest and best-preserved treasure house of Buddhist consciousness in the world.

柳园前往吐鲁番  [  乘火车  2等座 , 1633  /1956 ]    Liuyuan  to Turpan by Train. ( 2nd  class  Seat , 1633/1956 )
5酒店:吐鲁番.     西域卡思   或同级 Local 5 star Hotel: Turpan.      or similar


9  吐鲁番  (2.5hr)  ~ 乌鲁木齐                                                                          (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐)
Day 9     Turpan (2.5hr)  ~ Urumqi                                                             (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)

Kanger Well means " well channel " as per " Historical Records " in Xinjiang Uygur language. Kanger Well is a special irrigation system for farming in the desert area of Xinjiang.
位于吐鲁番市东北15公里,火焰山西侧的一个狭谷中。葡萄沟长约8公里,宽约500米,峡谷两侧绿树葱葱,桑、杏、桃、梨、杨、柳、榆、槐树错落有致;210多公顷的葡萄园。Grape Valley
Grape Valley is an area in Turpan, Xinjiang, China, where grape and other fruits are grown well in this arid land. The valley is 8 km long, 500 meters wide, and is located some 10 km east of Turpan's city center.
交河古城 (含区间车)

JiaoheCity (Included shuttle bus)
It was the capital of the Jushi Kingdom. It is a natural fortress located atop a steep cliff on a leaf-shaped plateau between two deep river valleys.
火焰山  - 新疆火焰山是吐鲁番最著名的景点。其位于吐鲁番盆地的北缘,古丝绸之路北道,主要由中生代的侏罗纪、白垩纪和第三纪的赤红色砂、砾岩和泥岩组成。当地人称它为“克孜勒塔格”,意即“红山”。

Flaming Mountains
The Flaming Mountains or Gaochang Mountains are barren, eroded, red sandstone hills in the Tian Shan of Xinjiang. They lie near the northern rim of the Taklamakan Desert and east of the city of Turpan.
5酒店:乌鲁木齐.     環球國際        或同级        Local 5 star Hotel:  Urumqi.         or Similar


10  乌鲁木齐~(1.5 hr) 天山天池~(1.5hr)乌鲁木齐                                       (早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐-丝路欢送宴)
 Day 10 Urumqi ~(1.5 hr)  Heavenly Lake of Tianshan~(1.5hr)~Urumqi  (Bfast /Lunch/ Dinner - farewell dinner)

天山天池 (含区间车 & 船游)
世界自然遗产,国家AAAAA级旅游区,国家地质公园,国家重点风景名胜区,国际人与自然生物圈保护区,最佳资源保护的中国十大风景名胜区,中国十大魅力休闲旅游湖泊。Heavenly Lake of Tianshan(Included shuttle bus & boat ride) - World Natural Heritage, National Geological Park , National Key Scenic Spot, National Civilized Scenic Area, China's top ten charming leisure lakes.
新疆最大的民族特色购物市场, 包括美食广场、宴会厅、观光塔和一座清真寺.于2003年6月26日完成。Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar
Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar was completed on June 26, 2003. It is the world's largest Grand Bazaar (Bazaar in Uygur language, meaning a farmer's market).
5酒店:乌鲁木齐.        環球國際     或同级       Local 5 star Hotel:  Urumqi.         or Similar


11   乌鲁木齐 /广州  / 吉隆坡             CZ 6895 (1045/1550) + CZ 365 (1725/2055)        (早餐)     

 Day 11     Urumqi/ Guangzhou/Kuala Lumpur                      (Breakfast)


 **全程无购物站    No Shopping Tour
**风味餐:古都风味,阿西娅民族餐风味 , 汽锅鸡风味,,烤全羊风味,丝路欢送宴。

Special Cuisine: Old City Cuisine, Ahshiya Special Dinner, Steamed Pot Chicken, whole Roast Lamb, Urumqi farewell dinner

 Departure Date : CLOSED

By 南方航空 China Southern Airlines

  • Tour Fare: RM 10,888/Person (Twin Share room, Included air ticket , tips , Chubb Travel Insurance  )